Large companies often need to do big hires all at once, a fact that can make them appealing if you’re starting out and looking for friends. You can ask about the social environment during an interview, though you may not need to as many companies promote this aspect of their intake programs. However, there is something awesome about real life classes that leaves digital education in the dust. If you are looking to go back to school or are just looking to learn something new and exciting, then this can be a great way to meet new people. When it comes to switching up your workspace, some of the best spaces are the ones that you probably already frequent. For example, try taking your laptop and working from a coffee shop instead.

how to make friends when working from home

Join a Slack channel for remote workers in your cities or ask your companies if they have any remote-worker groups or events you can join. Feeling a sense of community is a surefire way to overcome lonely feelings while making new friends. Chances are you have a wide range of interests outside of work; finding a group that shares your appreciation should be a cinch! If you love art, history, or design, become a member of your favorite museum and attend the members-only events offered. Facebook and Meetup are great places to find offline groups too.

Build remote communication best practices

Facebook can be an awesome tool in helping you pinpoint exactly what type of mommy groups are in your area. Better yet, you can be able to figure out when they meet so you can easily join. Another one of the best tips for making friends when you work from home is volunteering. For starters, you are sure to find plenty of organizations right in your own backyard. Many of these organizations are almost always looking for helping hands.

Planning in advance is immensely helpful, but even so, unexpected things can always come up. Let your team know when that happens and figure out a backup plan. It’s a good feeling when you get to cross those activities off your list at the end of the day, and it can help fuel your passion for work the next day. It is especially important to make time for the things you love. It can be easy to make work your first priority, but penciling in time for yourself can decrease the likelihood of burnout in the long run. They’ll be able to readjust your workload or provide mental health care resources as needed.

Get involved in a big project at work

Planned gatherings that occur regularly are an excellent way to broaden your base of workplace friends and deepen your coworker friendships. Everyone knows that if they miss out on one event, they can always join the next one. Work friendships don’t need to fade just because you’re working remotely. You can also reach out to new acquaintances or colleagues and see if they want to chat.

That’s hard to recreate in a video chat, but making those connections isn’t impossible. Set your view to gallery mode, and watch your fellow team members. Let’s say you heard a coworker Megan mention in the all-staff meeting that she was late because she was putting her kindergarten son on the school bus for the first time. After the meeting, send her a message telling her you know exactly how that feels – you just dropped your three-year-old off at her first day of daycare. Dee Ann Pizzica, engineering manager at Atlassian customer BRD has worked mostly remotely since 2009. She always starts her weekly staff meetings with a different icebreaker question.

Create a Social Slack Channel with Your Colleagues

They share photos of pets, memories such as hikes or a child receiving an award, and “do-it-yourself” home projects. That allows the team to get to know each other on a more personal level. Experiences like Howe’s appear to be increasing among older workers. According to an AARP survey conducted in May, 36 percent of remote workers 50 and older said being isolated from coworkers is difficult. Among the respondents who switched jobs, 20 percent said they made the change because they missed interacting with people.

As always, good old-fashioned methods of connecting are important, too, Howe adds. Acknowledge others’ work and life events — both positive ones and those that are a struggle. These are many of the same tenets that are essential for in-person friendships, too. Howe’s team has found a way to make connection a little easier from afar. “We also keep a running weekly virtual fun meeting where we get on camera and spend time talking about anything other than work,” she says.

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